14 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations! You made it through your first trimester. Week 14 of pregnancy marks the start of your second trimester. Your risk of miscarriage greatly goes down after your first trimester. Plus, some of your annoying pregnancy symptoms may be letting up.

What’s happening with your body?

By week 14, your uterus is growing big enough that it may be pushing your belly out a bit. You may or may not be ready for maternity clothes around the start of your second trimester. Some women may still be able to fit in some of their regular clothes for a few more weeks.

The start of the second trimester may bring much-anticipated relief from morning sickness and lightheadedness. You may also have more energy than you had the last few weeks.

One symptom, which may be new is round ligament pain. Your uterus is supported by ligaments on each side of your body that run from your abdomen to your groin. As you get bigger, the ligaments thin and stretch to support your weight and growing uterus. The increased weight and stress on your ligaments can cause some pain in your lower abdomen.

If you had been a bit moody your first trimester, things might be evening out. While your hormone levels are still increased, they have stabilized, and you are not experiencing the sudden surge you did in your first trimester.

One side effect of pregnancy that may be unanticipated is an increase in your sex drive. Although all women are different, your changing hormones may mean your libido gets a boost. If you are not feeling in the mood, don’t sweat it, some women feel anything buy sexy during pregnancy. Also, your libido may change during your pregnancy.

What’s happening with your baby?

Your baby is growing fast, and his weight has just about doubled from last week. He is almost two ounces and is about the size of a lemon. He is moving his tiny arms and legs more and is less curled up then he was just a few weeks back. From crown to rump, your baby probably measures a little over 8.5 centimeters. He is also growing eyebrows, and his neck is getting longer.

Another cool thing happening with your baby this week is he can make certain facial expressions. Your baby can grimace, frown and even squint. He is making facial expressions due to brain impulses that are developing.

Not only are your baby’s organs formed, at this point, they are also starting to function as they should. For example, your baby’s spleen is starting to help produce red blood cells. His liver is also starting to make bile, which it continues to do for the rest of his life. He is starting to swallow a bit of amniotic fluid, and his kidneys are starting to function. Functioning kidneys mean your baby is producing urine and peeing it out into the amniotic fluid.

Things to keep in mind

Tell someone you are having a baby, and the first thing they often ask is whether it is a boy or girl. About a month or so from now, you will likely have an ultrasound to check on your growing bundle of joy. During the test, the technician may be able to determine your baby’s gender. Now comes the big question. Do you want to find out your baby’s gender before you deliver?

Whether you want to know your baby’s gender before giving birth comes down to personal preference. Some parents like to know in advance so they can pick names or prepare a sibling for the arrival of a baby brother or baby sister. Knowing the sex of your baby can also help you decorate a gender specific nursery.

For other moms and dads to be, they prefer being surprised and finding out the old-fashioned way, after they give birth. Keep in mind, even if you decide to find out the gender, an ultrasound is not foolproof. Depending on your baby’s position during the test, it may be difficult to get a clear picture of your baby’s girl or boy parts. If the technician or doctor cannot tell, you may have to wait until a future ultrasound.

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