17 Weeks Pregnant

Week 17 of pregnancy may bring a few new symptoms and a rounder tummy. In the coming weeks, you have some decisions to make, such as how much time you want to take off work and whether you plan to breastfeed or formula feed.

What’s happening with your body? 

The average weight gain by now is about five to ten pounds. But don’t stress if you are off a bit. Your healthcare provider will let you know if you’re gaining too much too fast or not enough. Around week 17, your appetite may be picking up. If you have not had cravings before, you might start having them now. Don’t worry if you are craving something unhealthy. Just try not to give into it every day.

As your tummy is getting bigger, your doctor may suggest you try to avoid sleeping on your back. The weight of your uterus may press on a major vein called the vena cava. The vein carries blood back from your heart through your body including your uterus. If the vein is compressed, it can decrease circulation back to your baby. That does not mean if you wake up on your back, your baby’s well-being is compromised. Your little one is still getting the oxygen she needs. The recommendation is just for optimal circulation.

Although your baby has been moving for a while now, you may not have felt anything. But that’s all about to change. Sometime in the next few weeks, you’ll probably feel your little one twisting and turning.

Early movements are called quickening and most common occur between 17 and 22 weeks. At first, you might not even be sure it was your baby causing the little flutter you feel. But as it continues to happen, you’ll start to tell the difference between a gas bubble and baby’s squirming.

What’s happening with your baby? 

Baby is continuing to develop a little more each day is now about as big as an onion. She weighs in at about four ounces. She is continuing to practice swallowing and sucking, which will sure come in handy down the line.

A few weeks ago, your baby’s skeleton was soft like cartilage. But around week 17, her bones are starting to get a little harder. So keep drinking your milk and eating other foods high in calcium. It helps your baby’s bones get stronger.

The placenta is also growing thicker. A healthy and strong placenta is essential since it provides your little one with the nutrients and oxygen she needs. It also removes the waste from your baby.

Things to Keep in Mind:

As your pregnancy progresses, you might not be doing all of the same activities. For instance, if you and your girlfriends used to stop for a few drinks on Fridays, having a bun in the oven is putting a crimp on happy hour. You might also have to skip ski trips or bike rides that pose a fall risk. In other instances, you may be tired, and heading home after work to relax may sound like your perfect night.

So can you still stay close to your friends during pregnancy? The answer is yes. If you have friends who have kids, they probably already get it, so they may suggest other activities that are more pregnancy friendly. When it comes to your friends who don’t have kids yet, it may take a little more effort to stay close, but it’s possible.

If possible, carve out a little time for your friends on a regular basis. Head to dinner, a movie or an exercise class. It doesn’t matter what you do; it’s just important to spend time together to catch up.

Try to include your friends in your pregnancy. For example, ask one of your besties to come along for an ultrasound or shop for baby clothes. This is an important time in your life and sharing it with friends makes it more special.

While sharing your pregnancy is good, sharing every detail is probably a bit overboard. Your buddies, especially your singles friends, don’t want to hear every thought you have about pregnancy allthe time. Sure you want to talk about childcare options and the merits of breastmilk, but occasionally you should give it a rest. Remember what you used to talk about before you became pregnant. Try to work those topics into the conversation from time to time.

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