20 Weeks Pregnant

It’s an exciting time in your pregnancy and a big milestone. You have reached the half way point. It’s also a big week. If you have not had your second-trimester ultrasound, your will probably have it this week. Your baby is also busy growing and getting stronger.

What’s happening with your body? 

Vaginal discharge may have started first trimester, but it may be increasing during your middle trimester. In most cases, the increase is a normal part of pregnancy. But there can be times when you should consider contacting your doctor or midwife. For example, if there is a lot of discharge that it is thin and watery, you could be leaking amniotic fluid. It’s best to call your doctor can get checked out just to be on the safe side.

If you have pelvic pain, itching or burning, it could be a yeast infection, and a trip to your healthcare provider is needed. Foul smelling discharge may be a sign of an infection and also requires medical evaluation.

As your belly grows, you might wonder if you’ll get stretch marks. Stretch marks are the purplish marks that can develop most commonly across your belly or breasts. As your skin stretches during pregnancy, the tissues under your skin develop tiny tears.

Rapid weight gain may increase your chances of developing stretch marks, but your genetics play the biggest role. Although there are various types of lotions and potions, which claim to prevent stretch marks, there is no proven method.

Your best bet is to gain weight slow and steady throughout your pregnancy. Moisturizing your skin will probably not do a lot to prevent stretch marks, but it won’t hurt, and it will prevent dry skin in the process.

What’s happening with your baby? 

Baby is about 16 centimeters and the size of a small melon or coconut. Although he is only at the half-way mark, he is looking more and more like the cute little bundle you’ll meet in about 20 more weeks.

Your little cutie has fully developed eyelashes, and his eyebrows are also fully formed. His legs were curled up tight, but now your baby is straightening his legs a bit more. In the past, he was measured from crown to rump. Now he is measured from head to toe.

Baby is also producing meconium. Meconium is made up of substances your baby swallows while he is in your uterus, such as amniotic fluid, skin cells and digestive juices. The substances work their way through the digestive tract and form waste.

Usually, meconium stays in your baby’s bowels until after he is born. When your baby poops for the first time, it is meconium, which is usually dark green and sticky.

In some cases, especially if you are overdue, meconium may be expelled while your baby is still in utero. Your healthcare provider may know meconium is present if your water breaks and the fluid is green. Special precautions, such as suctioning, may be taken to prevent your baby from inhaling meconium when he takes his first breath.

Things to keep in mind

Pregnancy is often all about mom and baby. It’s your body supporting your little one, and you feel all the symptoms. But don’t forget the dad-to-be in your life. After all, it took two to create your baby.

Although every pregnancy is an individualistic experience, keeping your partner involved in your pregnancy can benefit both of you. For example, it helps a couple stay close if they go through the experience together. It can also provide you with the support you may need. Plus, it also helps dad connect to his baby and feel part of the experience.

There are lots of things you can do to keep your partner involved, such as registering for baby gifts together or deciding how to decorate the nursery. Ask your partner to come to your obstetrician or midwife appointments and make decisions together about your birth plan and childcare after your little one arrives.

Discuss baby names together and consider the pros and cons of each. Lastly, together share in the excitement of imaging who your little one will look like and what life will be like for the three of you.

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