25 Weeks Pregnant

Another week down and you’re closer to meeting your baby. If you have not started to think of names, now is a good time since your little one will be here before you know it. In the meantime, try to enjoy these last few weeks of your second trimester.

What’s happening with your body? 

At week 25, you may look like you put a soccer ball under your shirt. Your uterus is now pushing your abdomen out and also upward. As your shape changes, you might notice your balance is not exactly what it used to be. While you can continue to do most of your usual activities, just avoid doing things where it is easy to lose your balance.

During your second trimester, you may have noticed your hair is getting thicker. The hormones are causing your hair to remain in a growing phase longer, so you’re not shedding hair as much as you did before pregnancy.

The thicker hair on your head may be one of your favorite pregnancy side effects. But increased hair growth can also occur on other areas of your body, which you’re not so thrilled with, such as your chin or upper lip. While you may need to tweeze a bit more, the excess hair growth should stop a few months after you deliver.

You might also notice you’re getting pins and needles in your hands, especially in the morning. Yep, even your hands can be affected by pregnancy.  That tingling sensation is likely caused by compression of the nerves in the wrist. The compression is due to the fluid retention that’s common during pregnancy.

Pins and needles can also occur in your feet. Your baby may find a comfy position, but it may press on one of your nerves or blood vessels. The blood vessels become a little narrower and blood flow to your feet is decreased, resulting in numbness. Getting up and moving around will help return circulation.

What’s happening with your baby? 

It’s no wonder your baby bump is growing into a full pregnancy tummy these days. Your baby is putting on weight and is about two pounds at this point. Baby is also getting pinker and growing more hair.

Your baby’s facial features have completely developed. His nostrils had been plugged, but they opened up, and pretty soon his eyes will also open.

He is getting more coordinated and learning to use his arms and legs more efficiently. For example, he can make a fist and grab his feet.

In the past, if you wanted to hear your baby’s heart, you needed to use a fetal Doppler. But now your baby’s heart is so strong, you can hear his heartbeat with a regular stethoscope.

You might also notice you don’t feel your baby’s movement at certain times each day. His inactive periods may be because he has developed a regular sleep pattern. But don’t get too use to it, because once he is born, he’ll need some time to develop a consistent sleep schedule.

Things to keep in mind

You are more than half way through your pregnancy. Regardless of whether you love being pregnant or can’t wait to deliver, one thing is for sure, this little guy or gal is coming out.

The thought of delivering your baby may bring excitement and some apprehension. Most pregnant women have a moment when they wonder, how can I do this?

One thing that may help is attending a birthing class. A birthing class is not just about learning to do breathing exercises. You’ll learn what to expect with each stage of labor. Information on pain relief options and birthing positions will also usually be discussed.

Possible medical interventions, such as a C-section and the use of forceps may be covered. Relaxation techniques and basic newborn care may also be presented.

In addition to all the information you’ll learn, a birthing class is a great opportunity to meet other expectant parents and share the experience with your partner.

When you’re choosing a class, review the curriculum and ask about class size and cost. It should be pretty easy to find a childbirth class. Most hospitals and birthing centers offer birthing classes. Additional classes you may want to consider include breastfeeding and infant CPR.

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