26 Weeks Pregnant

Some women enjoy pregnancy at this stage. But if you are less than thrilled with the changes in your body and you don’t love being pregnant, you’re not alone. Between fluctuating hormones, life stressors and various symptoms, pregnancy affects each woman differently. If you’re not beaming all the time, don’t worry. You’re still going to love your baby more than you thought possible, and that’s what really matters.

What’s happening with your body? 

Your belly continues to grow up and out, which may be putting pressure on your bladder. During your first trimester, you may have had increased urination due to hormones. The need to pee frequently may return in the middle of your second trimester.

But along with running to the bathroom more often, you might develop a little urinary incontinence. Although peeing your pants is not something you’re thrilled about, it’s perfectly normal in pregnancy. The good news is, urinary incontinence in pregnancy usually only involves a little dribble here and there, not a puddle.

A little urine leakage when you sneeze or cough is likely due to increased pressure on your bladder from the weight of your uterus and baby. In most cases, it’s temporary and should stop shortly after you have your baby. But for some women, especially those who have had multiple children, their pelvic floor muscles can become weak, which means stress incontinence can continue after you have your baby.

Ask your doctor if you should do Kegels exercises during pregnancy or after giving birth. Kegel exercises involve strengthening the muscles that control the flow of urine. They are performed by contracting the pelvic floor muscle.

What’s happening with your baby? 

Baby weighs about two pounds by week 26. Although two pounds might not seem like a lot, when it is concentrated in one area, such as your tummy, it can feel heavy.

Your baby is busy perfecting his swallowing ability, which is essential once he is born. Right now he continues to swallow amniotic fluid, which is good practice for later when he’ll swallow all that milk.

Another cool thing that happens week 26 is that your baby is finally starting to open his eyes. Up until this point, baby’s eyes were shut, but they are no longer fused. Although there is not a lot to see, his peepers are open, and he’s looking around. It’s too early to tell whether he will have baby blues or big brown eyes. The colored part of his eyes does not have pigmentation yet. Also, the eye color he is born with may not be permanent. By about six months, your baby’s eye color is there to stay.

Things to keep in mind

Since you peed on the stick and found out you’re going to be a mom, your thoughts may have been consumed with your baby. During your pregnancy, you may have also been a little preoccupied with things like trying not to throw up in public or pee your pants when you laugh. But before your little one makes his grand entrance, it’s nice to carve out a little time with your partner.

Keep in mind, even though you are going through all the physical changes, your partner is also dealing with the anticipation of becoming a dad. He may have fears and concerns too.

Staying close as a couple can be a challenge during times of transition, and becoming parents is a pretty big change. But it can help both of you to check in with each other and talk about how you feel. It’s also a good idea to make time to do something fun together. If possible, try to plan a date night with your partner a few times a month to relax and just spend time together.

Some couples also plan one last vacation alone together before their baby arrives. Now is a good time to take a babymoon. In the coming months, you might be a bit more uncomfortable, and some doctors don’t recommend traveling in late pregnancy.

The bottom line is you should continue to support each other and make your relationship a priority. While you’re both bound to get busier when your baby arrives, try to find a little time to connect with your partner and keep the lines of communication open.

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