27 Weeks Pregnant

Between peeing a little when you sneeze, increased body hair and leg cramps, you’re started to think pregnancy is not so glamorous. If pregnancy symptoms are getting you down, try to do something fun or indulge in a relaxing treat, such as a pregnancy massage. Be sure to get your doctor’s OK and only use a masseuse who is experienced in prenatal massage.

What’s happening with your body? 

You might have been lucky enough not to experience heartburn your first trimester. But during your second or third trimester, it might be a different story. During your first trimester, heartburn is often caused by hormones. But by week 27 of pregnancy, your growing baby may be crowding your digestive system and stomach acid may be pushed up your esophagus, resulting in heartburn.

There are a few things you can do to decrease your chances of developing heartburn in pregnancy. For example, eating small meals more frequently instead of large meals may help. Avoid lying down right after eating. You might also want to skip spicy dishes, chocolate and other foods, which tend to give you heartburn.

As you approach the final trimester of pregnancy, you might also notice, you’re feeling a little more stressed than you have been. While not all women feel tense during their last trimester, it’s not uncommon to be a bit anxious. After all, in about two months you will deliver your baby and be responsible for a little life. Regardless of how much you are looking forward to becoming a mom, it can seem overwhelming at times.

If you are worried about delivering your baby, it may help to talk about your feelings with a friend, parent or your partner. Also, talk to your doctor about any concerns you have and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Whether you are worried about the pain or are concerned you won’t be able to push effectively; it’s perfectly normal to be a little anxious. But try to remember, when it comes to labor, your body knows what to do.

What’s happening with your baby? 

At 27 weeks, your baby is about 36 centimeters.  She has almost doubled her weight from about a month ago. Most of her organ systems are functioning well. For example, her brain is developing at a rapid rate. Messages are being sent through baby’s nervous system, which may explain why your little one is moving around a lot and practicing skills, such as sucking her fingers, making a fist and grabbing onto her feet.

She is probably also stretching out more these days. A few weeks ago, your baby liked to be all curled up in the fetal position. But now, she is stretching her limbs more often and changing positions.

One interesting fact is your baby’s taste buds are very well developed. In fact, newborns have stronger taste buds than they will have later in life.

Baby’s taste is not the only sense that is well developed. Now that her eyes are opened, she can probably see light. If your tummy is in the sunlight, it’s likely your baby can see the glow.

Things to keep in mind:

As you complete your second trimester, you might want to start thinking about maternity leave. How long you want to work before going out on maternity leave is a personal decision.

Some women feel great throughout their pregnancy and work until they deliver. In some cases, financial necessity may mean a woman works as long as she can before having her baby.

Your decision to go on maternity leave may also depend on where you live and if you are provided with any government paid maternity leave. It may also depend on what type of work you do. Certain jobs are easier to continue to do late into pregnancy while others are a little more challenging. For example, if you have a desk job, you might have an easy time working into your third trimester. But if you have a job that is physical, such as a nurse or police officer, you might start to feel uncomfortable as your pregnancy progresses.

But the most important factor to consider regarding when to go out on maternity leave is how you feel. Don’t compromise your health or the wellbeing of your baby to work longer.  Keep the lines of communication open with your supervisor and do what’s best for you and your baby.

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