33 Weeks Pregnant

If you’re having moments when you think this pregnancy thing is not what it’s cracked up to be, that’s completely normal. No matter how excited you are to meet your baby, you might be feeling tired, bloated and hot and not in a sexy way. Still, if you stop and think about everything, it’s pretty cool what your body can do!

What’s happening with your body?

By week 33, your metabolic rate is high, as your body supports an almost full-term baby. So you may be feeling overheated from time to time. Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid the direct sun, which will make matters worse.

Your growing belly may also mean you’re starting to walk a bit different. That’s right, you may have thought it would never happen to you. But don’t be surprised if your walk is more of a waddle.

A few factors may contribute to waddling. Your center of gravity shifts as your belly grows. Also, your pelvis may tilt, which can lead to a wider stance and a bit of a waddle when walking.

This week you might also notice your breasts are starting to leak a thin, yellow fluid. It’s your body’s way of preparing for lactation. But you’re not leaking breastmilk just yet. The fluid that may be coming out is called colostrum, and it’s a precursor to breastmilk.

Your breasts produce colostrum during late pregnancy and the first few days of breastfeeding. But you won’t have to worry that your baby is not getting milk. Colostrum is just what your baby needs those first few days since it contains protein and antibodies.

At this stage, you’re probably only leaking a few drops at a time. Once you’re nursing, it’s a different story, and it might seem like the floodgates have opened. If leaking is getting your shirts wet, place a nursing pad inside your bra.

What happening with your baby?

Baby is filling out nicely. He is close to four pounds and gaining weight at about a half a pound a week. By the time he is born, he is likely to weigh between seven and eight pounds.

By week 33, your baby is starting to develop an immune system. You’re giving your baby antibodies that will help protect her from germs once she is on the outside. Although right now, your baby is in her own little world without concerns about germs, but once she is born, it’s another story. Her developing immune system means she is one step closer to thriving in the outside world.

Your baby is drinking about a pint of amniotic fluid daily. Since your baby’s taste buds are fully functionally, the ammonic fluid tastes differently based on what you eat. Researchers think babies may acquire a preference for the foods their mom eat during pregnancy. So if you have been devouring French fries, your little one may have a taste for them when he gets bigger.

Things to keep in mind

Decisions, decisions; when you are having a baby, it may seem like you have a million things to think about. One of the biggest decisions you’ll make is choosing your baby’s name. Although it can be a lot of fun to read through baby name books, naming your baby is also a big deal and one that requires a lot of consideration.

Consider asking yourself a few questions. Think about how your baby’s first name goes with his last name. Also, ask yourself if you want to name your little one after someone significant in your life?

Some parents want a name that has a strong meaning or is unique. But if you choose a name that is too unique, it might also be something that causes your child unwanted attention when he is older.

You might also want to consider a name that ages well. Some names are cute for a two-year-old, but they lose their appeal by adulthood. It might also be a good idea to consider what initials your baby will have. You don’t want to give your baby a name and have his initials spell something obscene or similarly joke worthy.

If you are having trouble, you can wait until your baby is born and see if he looks like a certain name. Once you see that little face, you might think of a name that is the perfect fit.

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