6 Weeks Pregnant

You may be starting to get used to the idea of being pregnant or you may still be in a state of shock that someone will call you mommy in less than nine months. Either way, during week six of pregnancy, you may actually start feeling pregnant.

What’s happening with your body?

Even though you don’t look pregnant from the outside, you may be starting to feel it on the inside. If you did not feel any pregnancy symptoms last week, by week six, pregnancy side effects might be starting.

One of the first side effects you may notice is bloating. A bloated tummy is not due to your baby crowding you yet. Instead, the hormone progesterone is to blame. Progesterone slows your digestion to allow every last nutrient to be absorbed by your body, which may leave you feeling a little puffy and unable to button your pants.

At six weeks, you may also notice another annoying pregnancy symptom. You’re peeing a lot more often. Frequent urination is common in early pregnancy and once again it’s due to hormones. Certain hormones cause an increase in blood flow through your body. The increase in blood flow makes your kidneys produce more urine.

Your breasts are probably starting to get a bit bigger and may be tender. Although it will be a while before your milk comes in, pregnancy hormones are already at work causing the fat layer in your breasts to thicken. By the time you are six weeks pregnant, you may have already gone up one cup size. But don’t get too attached to the size you are, because your breasts are going to continue to grow.

While you may like your fuller figure, you probably won’t be as enthusiastic about how tender and sore your boobs have become. There is not a lot you can do at this point to ease soreness. But wearing a well-fitting, supportive bra may help.

What’s happening with your baby?

Your baby is anywhere from a fifth to a quarter inch long; that’s about the size of a lentil. If you were able to get a peek inside your uterus, your little embryo might look a little strange. By about six weeks your baby has an oversized head, dark spots that will form his nostrils and eyes, and small depressions on his head, which will become his ears. But all these early developments will become your beautiful baby.

In addition to his head, your embryo’s heart is also beating more efficiently this week. By week six, her heart is probably beating about 100 or more times a minute. A fetal dropper is used to monitor your baby’s heartbeat. But at six weeks, the dropper may not be able to pick up the heartbeat just yet.

Although they are still in their early development, your baby’s intestines, liver and kidneys are also starting to take shape. His lungs, which are now just little buds, have also started to develop.

Things to keep in mind:

Whether your pregnancy was planned or more of a surprise, you might have a variety of feelings. Some women are over the moon with excitement while others may feel anxious or a little fearful. You may feel all of the above emotions at one time or another.

If you are having a mix of emotions these early weeks of pregnancy, rest assured, it’s completely normal. Why the range of emotions? Regardless of how much you want to be a mom, you’re in for a big change in your life.

It was a life changing moment when you saw a positive pregnancy test. As the news sinks in, you may picture what your baby will look like and how much you will love him/her. But you may also worry about your health, your baby’s wellbeing and how becoming a mom will impact your job, relationships and finances. If this is your first baby, you may be even more anxious. Add to the mix an influx of pregnancy hormones, and it’s no wonder you’re feeling a little anxious.

Fortunately, you have several months to work through feelings and adjust to the idea of being a parent. It might be helpful to talk to your partner, friends or your parents about your feelings. Sometimes just talking things out can make you feel better. Also, take good care of yourself. Try to get enough sleep, eat well, exercise and give yourself permission to relax each day.

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