Pregnancy Sleep Positions and Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

You might have thought sleep deprivation would not start until after you have your baby. But restful sleep and pregnancy don’t always go hand in hand. Even women who don’t have many pregnancy discomforts may find as their pregnancy progresses it’s a little more difficult to get good sleep.

One reason a good night’s sleep may be hard to come by is discomfort as your tummy grows. A growing baby bump can make your usual sleep impossible. Plus the weight from your baby bump may make it difficult to get comfy and relaxed.

If you’re feeling uncomfortable, it often leads to tossing and turning all night. But there is hope. Check out this YouTube video to learn the best sleep position during pregnancy.

The video demonstrates a side sleeping position that is usually the most comfortable for women in their second and third trimester of pregnancy. Side sleeping is best for a few reasons. Sleeping on your stomach is not possible once your baby bumps gets bigger. Sleeping on your back is not recommended since the weight from your uterus and baby can compress a major vein carrying blood. Sleeping on your back can also lead to snoring and an increase in back pain.

To make sleeping on your side more comfortable, consider placing a pillow between your legs to keep your hips midline. It might also help to place a rolled up towel under your belly to support your growing baby bump.

There are several other reasons it may be difficult to get quality sleep during pregnancy. For instance, your bladder may seem like it’s in overdrive leaving you having to pee every hour. Blame your pregnancy hormones for the increase in trips to the bathroom. Although you want to stay well hydrated, consider cutting back on fluids about an hour or two before bed.

Some women also develop leg cramps or restless leg syndrome, which can also interfere with sleep. Doctors are not completely sure why leg cramps and restless leg syndrome develop in some women during pregnancy. One theory is a lack of certain vitamins, such as magnesium, iron or folate can lead to cramps. Talk to your doctor to make sure you are getting enough of these nutrients.

It’s not just physical discomforts that can interfere with sleep. Even if you’re excited about becoming a mom, it’s normal to have a few concerns or anxiety. Let’s face it, you probably have a lot on your mind, which can make getting to sleep difficult.

Try to unwind before bedtime by doing something relaxing. For example, take a warm bath, eat something light and listen to relaxing music. Some women find meditation, deep breathing or reading helps with relaxation.

Make sure your bedroom is conducive for sleep. You might be running a little warmer these days, so keeping your room a bit cool may make it easier to sleep. Block out sunlight and noise as much as possible. Also, try limiting caffeine a few hours before bedtime so it does not keep you awake.

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