When Do Babies Learn to Sit Up?

It might seem amazing how fast your baby changes his first year. One exciting development is when he learns to sit up. Although it can vary, most babies sit up unassisted between four and nine months. But sitting up does not usually happen all at once.

Somewhere between three and five months, your baby may be able to sit up with a little assistance. For instance, once your little one gains enough head control and neck muscle strength, he may start to prop himself up on his hands, keeping his chest off the ground. His little mini-pushup is a precursor to sitting up.

After that, he’ll learn how to push himself all the way up to a sitting position momentarily. But because he has not yet mastered his balance, he probably will topple over easily. Make sure you have a lot of pillows around him to cushion his fall.

Eventually, as he gets stronger, he’ll maintain his balance in a seated position unassisted. It’s a big milestone for your baby when he can sit up without help. After months of tummy time or lying on his back, he gets to see the world from a new vantage point.

Although every baby has their own timeline for hitting milestones, such as sitting up, there are a few things you can do to help. For instance, allow plenty of tummy time so he can strengthen his head, chest and neck muscles, which all help him get to a seated position. You can also give your baby lots of opportunities to sit propped up. Place your little one on the floor seated between your legs or prop him up between pillows.

If it takes your baby a little longer to get the hang of sitting unsupported, don’t stress. Just keep giving him opportunities to improve his balance. Remember, practice makes perfect. Before you know it, he’ll be sitting up like a pro and then it’s on to the next milestone!

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